I just stood there awkwardly jamming hors d’oeuvres into my mouth. When I finally worked up the gumption go over and talk to someone, my heel broke and mini hotdogs went flying off of my mini plate. Some rendition of this worst-case hypothetical flashes through my mind in those last-minute makeup-check-in-car moments. I actually love going to networking events and meeting new people. I attended three happy hour get-togethers this past weekend! But I admit that a few minutes before I walk in, a little voice in my head is like, “Are you sure you want to go?”
I take a deep breath, throw my shoulders back, say “yes,” and head in because I’ve found that God has never left me hanging in moments when I need Him. Matthew 28:20 reminds us of Jesus’ promise, “…Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” God equips me with the skills, words, and confidence when I’d rather just hide out on the bathroom sofa. He brings me peace in environments that are naturally a bit uncomfortable.
The adage that “most of life is just showing up” really is true. I’ve made some amazing connections and discovered open doors when I’ve trusted God enough to make me bold and smooth even in times when I’m out of my comfort zone. God maximizes any small effort that I put in to simply get ready and get there. Just as He called ordinary men to do extraordinary things, God will help you to do what He has called you to do even when you don’t consider yourself perfectly equip.
I am not recommending you should say “yes” to everything. But if some event or task has caught your eye and you feel God genuinely pulling you to go, then follow through on that. God is in the business of helping ordinary people to do bold things for His glory and purpose for their lives on a regular basis; “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a Spirit of power” (2 Timothy 1:7). He builds our trajectories with small steps of faith. I recently signed up for two new volunteering roles that God has been nudging me to try. What has He got you thinking about?
Pray about it. Sign up. Show up! Smile, stick out your hand, and introduce yourself. Go and do your best! Feel the fun of unfamiliar. And when you’re meeting new people, feel free to borrow my social butterfly grandpa’s favorite intro, “So, where ya from?” God will help you through the rest. After all, a stranger is often just a friend you haven’t met yet (Will Rogers) and opportunity will knock if you just get out there and look for the door.
Thanks for climbing with me! Have a fun, safe 4th of July!
Your friend,